Lack of iron is a frequent occurrence with characteristic symptoms. With a deficiency of this element, a person quickly gets tired and often...
Lack of iron is a frequent occurrence with characteristic symptoms. With a deficiency of this element, a person quickly gets tired and often freezes, gets tired even from minor physical exertion, suffers from shortness of breath and pain in the stomach, experiences problems with skin, hair, nails. All these signs are not uncommon if not enough iron is supplied to the body with food.
Other symptoms: dizziness and rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, low blood pressure and even fainting, lethargy, pallor, changes in taste and smell, depression. They are all unpleasant and undesirable.
Iron is included in the list of essential trace elements. Iron deficiency in the body is the first cause of anaemia (it develops with chronic iron deficiency). This element is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, supports the immune system and transports oxygen, is responsible for metabolism and DNA production. Its physiological functions ensure the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
The statistics are that even in countries with a high standard of living, signs of iron deficiency are observed in 20% of the population. In Russia, this figure is much higher - about 80%. The reason is most often an insufficient intake of this element with food.
Much less often, we can talk about insufficient absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract or blood loss, as a result of which a deficiency is formed. In addition, iron tends to be excreted during perspiration during physical work, sports. Therefore, if you lead an overly active lifestyle, then you can also lose it.
In what cases does a person receive less iron from food?
First of all, this is an unbalanced diet: vegetarianism, veganism, fruitarianism and other diets, including mono diets, drinking, as well as excessive and/or inappropriate nutrition due to poor socio-economic conditions.
How to Replenish Iron Deficiency
If you find the symptoms listed above, there is a possibility that your body lacks iron. Only a doctor can say for sure whether this is so. It is impossible to independently diagnose a deficiency of certain microelements, but the presence of these signs will be a reason to contact a medical institution.
However, you can start eating right now to prevent iron deficiency. It is enough to include in the diet foods that are rich in them. They are fairly simple, common on the market, and affordable for most buyers.
Iron-rich foods
For the prevention of iron deficiency are useful:
nutmeg (60 mg iron per 100 g of product);
pistachios (60 mg per 100 g of product);
halva (50 mg per 100 g of product);
dried porcini mushrooms (35 mg per 100 g of product);
cocoa powder (22 mg per 100 g of product);
seaweed (16 mg per 100 g of product);
spinach (14 mg per 100 g of product);
light beef, lamb, pork (11 mg per 100 g of product);
buckwheat (8 mg per 100 g of product);
egg yolk (7 mg per 100 g of product);
liver pate (6 mg per 100 g of product);
bitter chocolate (5 mg per 100 g of product);
beans (5 mg per 100 g of product);
natural ground coffee (5 mg per 100 g of product).