Beautiful teeth are great. It is aesthetically pleasing, attractive and healthy. But hardly all of us visit the dentist twice a year, as it ...
Beautiful teeth are great. It is aesthetically pleasing, attractive and healthy. But hardly all of us visit the dentist twice a year, as it should be. For those who want to enjoy their perfect smile for as long as possible, our simple tips on how to keep their teeth healthy.
Tip 1. The right brush
For home use, a medium-hard synthetic bristle brush is ideal. It is better if its surface is smooth, even and does not contain additional plastic elements. To remove inaccessible dirt, it is more effective to use toothpicks or dental floss. It is also helpful to use rinse aids.
Tip 2. Correct paste
Toothpaste is necessary for delicate cleansing of the oral cavity and enrichment with calcium and fluoride. Therefore, you should give preference to products of proven brands with these minerals in the composition. It doesn't have to be expensive pasta.
If your teeth are sensitive, do not get carried away with whitening toothpaste. And to remove plaque, it is useful to have an irrigator at home or use special pastes marked "prevents the formation of dental plaque."
You can also pay attention to pastes with various oils in the composition. For example, tea tree oil promotes the early healing of small wounds in the mouth.
You need to brush your teeth twice a day for at least 3 minutes each time.
Tip 3. No soda
Sweet lemonades are more dangerous for the teeth than many other foods. Carbon dioxide dissolves in sugar water and forms an acid that destroys enamel.
If you allow yourself juices and soft drinks, then occasionally and only through a straw. It is advisable to rinse your mouth after use.
Tip 4. Fewer sweets
For the same reason, it is undesirable to eat a lot of sweets. Sugar destroys teeth.
Sugar attracts harmful bacteria and lowers the pH in the mouth. The most destructive bacteria found in the mouth are Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus.
Both types of bacteria feed on sugar from food and lead to the formation of tartar. If the stone is not removed by saliva or when brushing your teeth, bacteria provoke processes that lead to the release of acids and the formation of an acidic environment in the mouth. As a result - demineralization and destruction of tooth enamel, the formation of small erosion. And in the absence of medical intervention - caries.
Tip 5. Safe whitening
Citric acid and baking soda products are good for home use and can actually make teeth whiter for a short time. But the effect does not last long. In addition, you should not abuse home procedures - it is not always safe. The abrasives contained in soda and acid are aggressive towards enamel.
As for whitening strips from the store, they are either ineffective (due to insufficient concentration of the active substance) or can cause burns to the gums. Therefore, you should also be careful with them.
If you still need to whiten your teeth, it is better to do it professionally in the dentist's chair.
Tip 6. Teeth - as intended!
Finally, the banalest advice: teeth - to chew. And for nothing else. You do not need to use your teeth like a screwdriver, tear off the threads with them, gnaw the caps from the pens, remove the burrs from the shell of nuts, and so on. Also, do not keep money, credit cards, and various household items in your mouth. Many sin this. Try not to be among them.
All these actions are unhygienic and can lead to infection in the oral cavity. In addition, some can cut yourself. For example, a synthetic thread can easily damage the soft tissues of the mouth.