In just 10-15 sessions, you can lose up to 4 kg of weight and get rid of 5-6 sentiments in the waist and hips. The skin will become smooth a...
In just 10-15 sessions, you can lose up to 4 kg of weight and get rid of 5-6 sentiments in the waist and hips. The skin will become smooth and elastic, velvety. No special skills are required - just find a little time for yourself and a jar of natural bee honey. It is important that the product is of high quality. This is the main condition.
The flower nectar contains active substances that stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous deposits and draw out toxins - metabolic products. It helps to shape the contours of the body and reduce the volume of the most problematic areas in women - the abdomen and thighs. To achieve the result, it is important to carry out massage in a course of at least 10 procedures. Massage is best done every other day. You can do two courses in a row, but with a break of at least a week. A third course is also possible, but only after 3-5 months.
Are preparations for the New Year in full swing? Use all tools to tighten your skin and reduce body fat in a short time. You still have time to complete a course of homemade honey anti-cellulite massage, the results of which are impressive. The highest efficiency is achieved in conjunction with physical activity and a moderate balanced diet.
What is needed for this?
For anti-cellulite massage, you need a small amount of natural honey. It is best to take floral, linden or any other, strictly without additives and always thick, not candied. The store product is often of inadequate quality, so the ideal option is to purchase honey from a private beekeeper. Store the jar in a cool, dark place, away from sources of heat and sunlight. It is forbidden to strongly heat and boils the product - under the influence of high temperatures, honey loses its healing properties.
You need to do the massage 1.5-2 hours after eating, in no case on a full stomach. Before the session, you should prepare - take a shower or a bath, scrub problem areas. After the massage, rinse off the remaining honey with warm water, using a hard washcloth or mitten, wipe dry with a soft towel. You can apply a nourishing, moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream. Immediately after the session, active body movements, sudden temperature changes are not recommended, it is better to rest for 15–20 minutes.
How to do honey massage at home?
Homemade honey massage is an effective way to get rid of fat and improve skin condition. And what is especially attractive, you can do it yourself without resorting to the services of specialists. The procedure is very simple.
Take a little honey with your hand and pat it onto clean, dry skin.
Then glue your palms firmly to the skin and pull off firmly. Gradually increase the strength of the touch - press your hands to the body more and more tightly, and tear off more actively and sharply each time. You need to literally drive into the skin all the honey that you scooped out of the jar. Only a thin layer should remain on the body.
Continue with your hands. After a while, a thick white mass should be visible on the skin. This is "waste" honey: it has already penetrated deep into the skin and pulled off some of the toxins and fat.
In total, each zone should take from 5 to 10 minutes. Honey massage is applied to almost all areas of the body: abdomen, thighs and buttocks, arms and even back. True, in the latter case, one cannot do without an assistant. It is almost impossible to work through this zone on your own. Be careful when doing massage on the inner side of the thigh - the effect here should be minimal, gentle.
Contraindications and recommendations
Perform an allergy test the day before your first procedure. To do this, apply a small amount of honey to the skin at the crook of the elbow and wait. If there is no reaction within two hours, massage can be done. Itching and redness indicate the presence of a possible allergy. In this case, the use of a beekeeping product should be abandoned.
After the massage, bruises may occur in the affected areas. Small hematomas are normal. But large haemorrhages are an alarming sign. Perhaps you have increased vascular fragility. For strengthening it is useful to take vitamins C and P. If the number and size of bruises do not decrease over time, it is better to stop the massage.
allergy to honey and bee stings;
period of menstruation;
hypertonic disease;
diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
oncological and infectious diseases;
the recovery period after illness and injury, poor immunity, fever, weakness;
neoplasms, rashes, burns, ulcers, scratches and wounds in the area of the intended impact.