The habit of drinking several cups of coffee a day is not the best way for the skin. Large doses of caffeine stimulate kidney function and i...
The habit of drinking several cups of coffee a day is not the best way for the skin. Large doses of caffeine stimulate kidney function and impair capillary function. As a result, the blood supply to the subcutaneous tissue suffers, and cellulite develops. But the thick residue remaining after the coffee is an excellent cosmetic product if applied externally - for wraps.
The benefits of coffee wraps
Stimulants, minerals and antioxidants in coffee, when applied to the skin, have a complex effect:
accelerate the processes of cell regeneration;
contribute to the renewal of the upper layers of the epidermis;
stimulate metabolic processes and thermoregulation;
expand pores, capillary network;
remove oedema.
As a result of regular use of the thick skin, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, its microrelief improves, and stretch marks become less pronounced. The volumes of fatty tissue in problem areas also begin to melt.
Contraindications for coffee procedures
It is necessary to refuse the use of coffee grounds when:
varicose veins;
asthenic syndrome: dizziness, physical weakness, malaise;
febrile manifestations;
gynaecological pathologies;
neoplasms of various origins;
inflammatory kidney disease;
heart failure;
diabetes mellitus;
dermatological diseases, skin lesions;
intolerance to caffeine.
Preparation for the procedure
For cosmetic purposes, you need natural ground coffee - roasted or green. It is boiled in any convenient way, the remaining thick is used immediately or put aside for later, collecting it in a glass dish with a lid.
In addition to coffee for wraps, you will need cling film (it should be enough to cover all parts of the body being treated). Tight-fitting clothing is also required to create a greenhouse effect. You can use a thick blanket.
A one-time coffee wrap removes excess fluid from the body, relieving local oedema. This result is immediately visible. However, the water supply is easily replenished, therefore, it is necessary to supplement the effect of coffee with massages and microstimulation. It is useful to carry out them before or immediately after the cosmetic procedure.
If you need to get rid of a significant amount of extra pounds, you need to adhere to a healthy diet, increase physical activity.
How to wrap at home: carrying out the procedure
After finishing the water procedures, blot the body with a towel.
Without letting the skin cool down, apply the prepared moist warm thick layer with a layer about 2–3 mm thick, gently spread over the surface, wrap tightly with a film.
On top, you can wear a thermal belt or elastic thick leggings.
For an hour, while the remedy works, you can do cardio workouts. Exercise enhances the effectiveness of the procedure. If you don't want to do exercises, you can just lie down under the covers.
After the allotted time, the film must be removed, the thickened must be washed off with slightly warm water, and an anti-cellulite cream or lotion must be applied to the skin.
Ways to use coffee grounds
The simplest recipe for application: mix the mass with hot water to a pasty consistency. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, to achieve a softening, moisturizing or cleansing result, it is recommended to mix and add essential oils, cosmetic clay, black or red pepper extract, vitamins, algae to the thicket.
For oily skin, kaolin or blue clay is preliminarily diluted with hot water to the consistency of sour cream, then the same amount of thick is added.
Pharmacy kelp is used similarly. For swelling, it is poured with boiling water. When the mass increases in volume, combine with the thick and mix thoroughly.
For dry skin, the following recipe is useful: add 1 tsp to the coffee grounds. olive and a few drops of rosemary essential oil.
To enhance the fat-burning effect, you can prepare a mixture of thick, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. ground red pepper. Dilute with warm water. You can use a homemade wrap for cellulite with pepper for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise, skin irritation may occur.