Express slimming wrap of 5 sessions: smooths the skin; eliminate swelling and sagging, cellulite; will remove up to 2 cm from the waist and ...
Express slimming wrap of 5 sessions:
smooths the skin;
eliminate swelling and sagging, cellulite;
will remove up to 2 cm from the waist and hips!
The home wrap is ideal in combination with PP and drainage drinks against cellulite and oedema.
We do the wrap at home
We need:
cling film;
mustard powder - 2 tablespoons;
olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
honey - 1 tablespoon;
moisturizing body milk.
To make an effective wrap, mix the ingredients right!
We heat honey in a water bath, the product temperature must be strictly less than 40 degrees, otherwise honey will lose its miraculous properties. Add mustard powder and olive oil to warmed honey. We mix. You can add a drop of your favourite essential oil.
Apply the finished mass to problem areas of the skin. In case of contact with eyes, immediately flush mucous membranes with water. As a rule, cellulite wrap is done on the hips and waist (legs to the knee and stomach to the level of the bra).
We carefully wrap ourselves with cling film, wrap ourselves in a warm blanket and lie for 40 - 60 minutes. With a strong burning sensation, 30 - 40 minutes are allowed, but not less.
During the procedure, we do not drink or eat anything. After the recommended time has elapsed, unwind the film, rinse off the mixture from the body, wipe it off with a towel, apply moisturizing body milk.
Recommended 2 times a week! Course, at least 5 times
An anti-cellulite wrap is done not only with honey and mustard powder. There are many more recipes, which we will talk about in the following articles.
All plummet and smoothness of the skin!